Ze count
Hehehe, teljarinn...Which Sesame Street Muppet's Dark Secret Are You?
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The Count's Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
It started with a simple affection for counting and the terror it induced in others, didn't it? But now it's turned into a full-blown life-consuming chaotic nightmare of order, repetition, zealousness, and perfectionism. You used to be so grand, but now you find yourself obsessively worrying over the littlest things--like, maybe if you don't check the light switch at least once every two minutes, the electricity will go out (and damnit, you're a vampire--that shouldn't be a problem!), or maybe if you don't wash your hands until your seams are coming out, you'll get some fatal disease. Get yourself some treatment.
Þetta próf kom bara á óvart. Ljómandi hreint.
Anal retensjón dagsins í dag: kílómetri í innilauginni í Laugardalnum á 24:55. Beint aftur í barndóminn, þegar maður hefði höggvið af sér litlaputtann og étið hann ef einhver hefði boðist til að taka tímann. Greinilega ekki breyst mikið síðan ég var sjö ára.
Hrós dagsins: laugin. Djöfull er þetta flottur staður.
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Já, þetta er þokkalega djúpt.
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